Hello and welcome to my website! In case you made it here without knowing, I am Guilherme, an Applied Scientist at Amazon, and this website is my attempt at both a wikipedia for papers and a machine learning blog.
As of January 2024, I am just starting to build this website and porting over my paper notes from Obsidian. You may find the links below helpful in the meantime:
- If you want to reach out, then see my LinkedIn
- If you want to see the code for this website, among other things, then see my Github (and check out quartz!)
- If you want to see my work in progress collection of ML papers and notes, then see the Papers page (or use the search function)
- If for some reason you made it here and are interested in photography instead of machine learning, then see my portfolio
How to use this website [WIP]
- Search
- Graph
- Tags
- Wikilinks and popovers
- Backlinks